Iron Armor Fitness & Athletic Enhancement, LLC. – Iron Armor Fitness and Athletic Enhancement

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The Mission

I am Coach Clarke, Owner of Iron Armor Fitness & Athletic Enhancement, LLC... I was a former LEO, former Track and Field athlete for at a D1 Program. I hold a B.S. Degree in Kinesiology, with a focus in Exercise Science. I am a Certified Personal Trainer. I have trained clients from all backgrounds, professional athletes, LEO's, people seeking to improve their health, you name it.

I started this journey three years ago and have experienced so much. I'm here to push you so that you can unlock your true potential lying dormant within you. Explore this website to increase your knowledge on numerous fitness related topics pertaining to resistance training, weight loss, athletic performance, real plyometrics and more. E-books, blogs, and a subscription to my patreon page with access to exclusive content are all available here as well.

This journey is a lifelong commitment and I take it very seriously. I want you to reach your goals and strive for more beyond them. Let's get this journey started. Explore my page and enjoy the programs provided, as well as the Blogs.